Monday, May 13, 2024

Spring 2024

How is EWaste being managed, and what are the implications of increased e-waste?

What are the health benefits of green spaces and green buildings?

How is major league baseball addressing sustainability at its stadiums?

Finding primary sources on nitrogen deficiency.

mythical creatures, witchcraft and victorian architecture

mining impacts in sierra leone

space tourism social impacts

river pollution in vietnam

teens/mental health/music

irish folktales

barriers to women in higher ed

crime against trans people


Thursday, November 16, 2023


 Primary sources on the Fugitive Slave Act of 1793

Articles promoting the value of two-factor authentication?

Looking for case studies showing how free housing can be developed on public parks.  

How is discipline used for primary school students?

I need sources on the influence of 10th-12th century Islam on math and science education.

How can I support the value of music education on academic achievement?

What can I find on child marriage in Africa?

Consumer attitudes to planned obsolescence

Thursday, October 27, 2022


I need the player rosters for Cal Berkeley Football from 1965-1975.

Can you help me find research on sexual dimorphism in the paranthropus and australopithecus? 

Thursday, January 03, 2019

Fall 2018

storytelling and moral development in children, i need research support
what does PIE stand for?
atlantic farmed salmon in washington state: research needed
references to slavery in the bible
potassium and plant nutrition connections
arguments against polygamy
information about wasabi
title searches on books about color theory

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

June 2018

I need help researching tourism statistics (How many travelers from the U.S. to x country) and I'm unsure where to start!

can I get a 50,000 foot view of the history of technological change in agriculture and its impact on food availability

i need cowboy fiction

information on mental health access in korea and related stigmas

about puerto rican immigration to nyc in the 1960s

i'm looking for a connection between dna and luminescence

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

March 2018

is there any research on the impact of adrenaline on teenagers in conflict?

i need market research on glazing contractors in the local area

women in the military during world war ii

women's contributions to labor movement

prostitution in the progressive era

depictions of working class women

i need a source on seattle union station

the history of mental health policy and treatment in the u.s.

articles on humor and social psychology

treatment and solutions to the problem of algal blooms

i need bus directions to edmonds community college

can you find me an article from the journal Anthrozoos?

i need an advertisement for Tide detergent from the 1970s

i need information about the Sears Tower

can you help me find non profit office rental space?

i need information about whidbey island geology

what is the history of Billy Frank Jr and the boldt decision?

i want more resources on mulatto history

i like sad stories, can you recommend some?

what is out there on "pay to stay" prisons?

teacher-child interactions in preschool

i am looking for the vocal score of Das Madchen, by Brahms

alcohol addiction treatment and family support

the art of seraphine de senlis

southern baptist funeral rites

virtual reality and addiction

about sea stars and wasting disease

who are the native people of puget sound?

i need articles on nano solar cells and quantum dots

what can i find on toxic waste and environmental health?

is it possible to find out Ikea's annual revenue?

there was an issue of national geographic about transgender kids. can you help find it?

how were homeless veterans depicted before the civil war?

can you give me a list of national and local record labels?

what is available about the Roma people?

i'm investigating the psychological impact of natural disasters

books on race and social media

books on government surveillance and privacy

death and funeral rituals around the world

adolescent development and identity

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

February 2017

how can i find information about death rites and funeral rituals around the world?

how do i cite an encyclopedia article?

i need overview information on adolescent identity and development

please help me find four credible sources about UNICEF

i need help writing a cover letter for a job

research on motherhood and identity

looking for pioneers in civil engineering

searching for electrical and fuel codes

can you help me find information about the internal colonization of native americans?

history of the 11th amendment?

articles about birth order

i need a list of synagogues in tuscon arizona and the jewish population for that city

do you have any Sam Cooke CDs?

is there a connection between garlic and skin care?

looking for curriculum for australian preschools

i want to know more about e-waste in africa

need statistics on medical marijuana users in WA and CO

info about the Trail of Tears...?

how do i read sheet music?

i need a rhyming dictionary.

i need a book about sculpture

i need scholarly articles on dreaming

do you have a botany photo atlas?

is there a viral connection with schizophrenia?

what is the history of the musical "Carousel"?

books about war trauma

literature reviews on teens, sleep and screen time

primary sources on cherokee or choctaw indians?

articles about refugee and immigrant psychology issues?